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What is a myth?

A myth is any traditional story consisting of events that are historical, explaining the origins of a cultural phenomenon. Myth can mean ¨sacred story¨, ¨traditional narrative¨, or ¨tale if of the gods¨. It can also be a story to explain why something exists. Human cultures usually include cosmonogical or creation myths, explaining how the world came to exist, a myth holds religious or spiritual significance for those who tell  it.

They are often stories that are currently understood as being exaggerated or fictious.



Here you´ll find some different mythologies, obviously we didn´t research them all due to how rich mythology is.


To begin with we have the Celtic mythology of Celtic polytheism, the religion of the Iron Age Celts. Like other Iron Age Europeans, the early Celts maintained a polytheistic mythology and religious structure.

Today, Celtic mythology referred to stories from the ancient race of people known as the Celts, who spoke the Celtic language. 


Celtic myths survived mostly from medieval writers in Ireland and Wales, though some earlier description from classical Greek and Roman writers existed. According to the Celtic myths, the Celtic deities or the fairy people lived in the domain that was generally called the "Otherworld". These domains were hidden from mortal eyes.


In Celtic myths, the Celts tend divided their people by clans and by social classes. Even in history, according to classical Roman writers, the Celts were divided into several distinctions.

High among the social class were the nobles, such as kings and chiefs. They belonged to warrior societies. The warriors were followers of the aristocrats. Other group or classes were the druids and the bards. The druids and bards were men of learning and were held in high regard.


Down below is a Celtic Mythology based piece called " Corchen - The Goddess and the Serpent " Corchen is an ancient Celtic Goddess who was said to have an affinity for snakes. The serpent is an ancient symbol of the Goddess, and has been used by many different cultures since the beginning of time. Although in modern times, the snake has been demonized as an evil and deceitful creature. This new view of a once sacred animal was imprinted on us by Christianity in their tale of Adam and Eve. This was not the case for our ancient ancestors. Many cultures including the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Celts and many more revered the snake as a symbol of rebirth and fertility.



Different types of mythologies

The Greek mythology is the set of stories about the gods, goddesses, heroes and ritual of Ancient Greek. As in other ancient cultures.

The Pantheon is a temple to all the gods and goddesses.

Hesiod was a Boeotian poet of either the 8th or 7th century BC, Hesiod had written two poems, Works and Days and the Theogony. 

The Theogony begins with Chaos and end with Zeus' reign, and it included the tale of Titanomachia, which is the war between the Titans and the Olympians. 


Below is the myth of Creation, where it is relied mainly on Hesiod's version.


Before the beginning of the universe, there was nothing in existence until Chaos came into being. Who or what was Chaos was, the Greeks never really made it clear. They usually associated Chaos as a male entity. Chaos could be personification of the abyss or void.

Out of the void, came Nyx , ("Night") and Erebus ("Darkness"). Also from Chaos - Eros ("Love"), Gaea ("Earth") and Tartarus came into being. It was Eros that made it possible to produce offspring.

By her brother Erebus, Nyx became mother of Aether ("Upper Air") and Hemera ("Day"). By herself, Nyx became mother of Thanatos ("Death"), Moros ("Doom"), Hypnos ("Sleep"), the Fates or Moerae and Nemesis.

Gaea, by herself, gave birth to Uranus ("Sky"), Ourea (Mountains) and Pontus ("Sea").

Gaea mated with her son Pontus and she became mother of two ancient sea-gods, Nereus and Phorcys, as well as Thaumas, Eurybia, and the sea monster Ceto.

Gaea married her other son, Uranus, and he became ruler of the universe. Gaea became the mother of the TitansHecatoncheires (Hundred-Handed) and Cyclops ("Wheel-eyed"). The birth of their children resulted in a war by the gods that lasted for generations. (Not gonna put down a video, the reason for this is because the background music is Greek :D)




Tribal jungle about the ancient Mayan civilization who built great and majestic pyramids. This music is called Mayan Pyramids. We hope you enjoy it!


The Maya mythology is part of Mesoamerican mythology and comprises all of the Maya tales in which personified forces of nature, deities, the heroes and others play the main roles. Other parts of Mayan tradition (animal tales and moralising stories) don´t really belong to the domain of mythology, but rather to legends and folk tales. 

The nobles in the Maya empire all claimed they were descendants of the Hero Twins. This gave them the right to rule. The ancient story of the hero twins (principal characters in the Mayan story of creation) tells the tale of two brothers, a bunch of ball games, the tricky gods, and a happy ending. In this story, the Creators, Heart of Sky and six other deities including the Feathered Serpent, wanted to create human beings with hearts and minds. But their first attempts failed. When these deities finally created humans out of yellow and white corn who could talk, they were satisfied.

Rome was a city on the south-east bank of the Tiber River, in the region called Latium. Roma was often called Roma, which is the proper name for the city. The site was prominently situated on the seven hills.

Romulus was the legendary founder of Rome. Romulus was descendant of Dardanian or Trojan hero, Aeneas, one of two surviving leaders to escape the fall of Troy.

The Roman mythology is the body of traditional stories related to ancient Rome´s legendary origin and religious system, as represented in literature and visual arts of Romans.

Egyptian mythology is the collection of myths from ancient Egypt, which describe the actions of the Egyptian gods to as a mean to understand the world. The believes that these myths expresses are a crucial part of ancient Egyptian religion.

Like myths in many other cultures, Egyptian myths serve to justify human traditions and to address fundamental questions about the world, such as the nature of disorder and the ultimate fate of the universe. The Egyptians explained these profound issues through statements about the gods.

Ancient Egyptian music about a mysterious pyramid which holds many secrets. This music is called Dark Pyramid. 

Epic Roman music about a powerful legion in the Roman army. Track is called Rising Legion.

The Japanese mythology embraces Shinto and Buddhist traditions as well as agriculturally based religion. The Shinto pantheon contains innumerable Kami (Japanese for gods or spirits).  

In the Japanese creation myth, the first deities which came into existence, appearing at the time of the creation of the universe, are collectively called Kotoamatsukami.

Later, the seven generations of kami, known as Kamiyonanayo ("Seven Generations of the Age of the Gods"), emerged, following the formation of heaven and earth.

Famous traditional classic music of Japan; Koto strings. "Sakura" (cherry blossoms)

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